
Yushan Draw Results

The draw result of Yushan Trails Day Hike (Tataka - Yushan Trails -Tataka ).June 08, 2024

The number of applicants registered for the draw (including postal application): 133 [59 teams]
The number of applicants:60 [29 teams]
List of teams is shown below:
TeamName:玉*老羊240608   Team Leader:蕭*陽   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:陳*C隊   Team Leader:張*杰   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:黃*章-0608   Team Leader:黃*章   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:畢*爬玉33333   Team Leader:黃*顯   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:9*28 元元隊 20240608   Team Leader:高*元   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:登*登山小隊0511   Team Leader:陳*佑   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:端*玉山唷   Team Leader:劉*中   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:還*要在家爽 2nd   Team Leader:龔*偉   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:蜻*單攻訓練2   Team Leader:吳*琴   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:絕*台灣玉山   Team Leader:李*軒   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:日*冷氣-202413   Team Leader:蔡*治   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:E*&Ray_0608   Team Leader:楊*儒   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:J*ckytiger   Team Leader:張*嵩   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:阿*師   Team Leader:林*東   A total of5person(s)
TeamName:Y*JU gogogogo   Team Leader:許*儒   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:F*lbright x Yushan June 8th   Team Leader:C*ristopher Mastroianni   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:D*smond Teabag   Team Leader:L*k Sze Ting   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:阿*與阿國0608   Team Leader:楊*賢   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:單*夫妻特戰隊   Team Leader:簡*宏   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:佳*   Team Leader:劉*政   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:佛*登山0608-1   Team Leader:辛*展   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:生*之光   Team Leader:陳*宏   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:二*玉山0608   Team Leader:王*芷   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:Y*R- 玉山,我怕怕...   Team Leader:李*彥   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:超*隊   Team Leader:林*慶   A total of5person(s)
TeamName:祈*602   Team Leader:簡*福   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:黑*寶阿   Team Leader:賴*瑚   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:抽*就會出大景0608   Team Leader:高*媁   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:s*ER   Team Leader:范*傑   A total of1person(s)

* It’s required to apply a mountain entry permit as well to go into mountain control area according to National Security Law. Learn more details: http://mountain.ysnp.gov.tw/english/CP_how.aspx. Apply to National Police Agency (+886-223-577-377, http://eli.npa.gov.tw/E7WebO/index02.jsp), Yushan National Park Police Corps (+886-492-775-110), or local police station close to trail entrance.